Prevent our Messages being sent to Spam in GMail

Add our address to your contacts

1. Add our email address to your Gmail Contacts ( Google will usually deliver email from addresses that are in your Contacts.

Mark our messages as ‘Not spam’

If Gmail has marked our emails as spam, tell Gmail the emails are not spam.

1. In Gmail, navigate to the spam folder

2. Search for our email (

3. Select all the emails shown

4. Click "More" and then "Not spam"

Create a filter for our address

Create a filter to tell Google to whitelist our email.

1. Click the cog icon in the top-right corner, and then Settings

2. Click on Filters and then "Create a new filter"

3. Enter our email in the From field (

4. Click "Create filter with this search"

5. In the box headed "When a message arrives that matches this search" select "Never send it to spam"

6. Click the "Create filter" button

Contact us

This steps will make sure our emails will reach you

If you need any help folowing any of this steps feel free to contact us

If you use other mail provider let us know and we will help

Click here if you're using Outlook, Hotmail, Live